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CLICK HERE to use ACOE’s Online Cancellation System

or use the information below to cancel manually.

The following information is for use in all Alabama public school districts except Baldwin County, St. Clair County, and Jefferson County Schools (JEFCOED).

CLICK HERE for a printable copy of the information contained on this page. Baldwin County, St, Clair County, and Jefferson County Schools (JEFCOED) have special requirements to cancel AEA membership and dues payments.

  • Baldwin County AEA members CLICK HERE to find out more.
  • Jefferson County (JEFCOED) AEA members CLICK HERE to find out more.
  • St. Clair County AEA members CLICK HERE to find out more.

If you pay your AEA membership dues through payroll deduction, you must notify AEA and your payroll department, in writing, ​by 4 pm on September 15th. Additionally, AEA members who are paying A-Vote fees through monthly bank drafts must also instruct AEA to cancel those bank drafts.

BANK DRAFT: If you pay your AEA dues through Bank Draft, Skip Step 1.

Step 1: Notify Your District Payroll Department in writing, by 4 pm on September 15th. A fax might be used for this notification over the weekend. CLICK HERE for a printable form (Print page 2) to send to your District Payroll Department. Send a completed copy of the form to your district payroll department and keep a copy for your records.

Step 2: Notify AEA via Email by 4 pm on September 15th.

Send an e-mail to:

and carbon copy

Be sure to copy yourself on the e-mail so you will have a record of the notification.

Please Note: It is best to email AEA as soon as you decide to cancel your membership with them instead of waiting until the September 15th deadline, so you will have time to receive confirmation from AEA.

Suggested message for e-mail:

To the Alabama Education Association Membership Department:

This e-mail serves as notification that you are hereby directed to cancel my AEA, NEA, and Local Education memberships, and A-Vote, effective immediately. In addition, the Alabama Education Association no longer has the authority to draft or attempt to draft A-Vote dues or membership dues from my bank account and/or through payroll deduction.

Please respond to confirm receipt of this e-mail and cancellation of my membership.


(your name, AEA# (If known) and work location)

VERY IMPORTANT: If you have not received confirmation from AEA by September 12th, we recommend that you mail a copy of the attached form, certified mail with next-day delivery, no later than September 12th, to the address below.

(Send a completed copy of the attached form to AEA and keep a copy for your records.)


Mail to:

Alabama Education Association

Membership Department

P.O. Box 4177

Montgomery, AL 36103-4177