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Get Involved

We appreciate your interest in how to become more involved in ACOE. Below are descriptions of different levels of involvement. While we would like each of the functions listed underneath each position to be done, we understand that it may be impossible to do some of these in some situations. With that understanding, members serving in these levels should attempt to do as much to promote ACOE as possible.

School Contacts, System Contacts, area contacts, and Board Members are not expected to know all of the answers but should be willing to attempt to find the answers or to refer members to ACOE.
Additionally, we do not expect anyone serving in any of these positions to handle legal issues that members may encounter. The responsibility of a School Contact, System Contact, Area Contact, or Board Member regarding legal issues is to assist members however possible while referring them to ACOE for any legal assistance needed.

1) Representatives for ACOE
a) School Contact (these are examples and some may not be possible in your school)
i) Recognition as your school’s ACOE Contact (or one of the ACOE Contacts at your school) through the ACOE website or in ACOE communications.
ii) Represent ACOE at events at your school such as Faculty Meetings.
iii) Assist in representing ACOE at system events such as New Teacher Orientation or Teacher Institute.
iv) Lead the recruiting efforts at your school.
v) Serve as the point of contact between ACOE and members in your school.
(1) Communicate information from ACOE to members of your school.
(2) Communicate information about your school or members to ACOE.
(3) Help ACOE maintain updated information on members in your school.
(4) Communicate member concerns or issues to ACOE.
(5) Communicate information about other professional organizations to ACOE.
(6) Maintain a bulletin board with ACOE information where permitted.
(7) Serve as the liaison between ACOE and ACOE members in your school.
vi) Work with the ACOE System Contact for your School System to communicate information to ACOE members in your school and communicate information from ACOE members in your school to the System Contact and/or ACOE office.
vii) Assist System Contact at System events and meetings.
viii) Assist ACOE in establishing contacts with local business, civic and political leaders.
ix) Assist ACOE in establishing contacts with appropriate officials in colleges and universities in your area.
x) Attend System Board Meetings when possible (not to speak but to have a presence).

b) System Contact
i) Recognition as the ACOE System Representative for your System on the ACOE Website or in ACOE communications.
ii) Represent ACOE at System events such as New Teacher Orientation, Teacher Institute, In-Service, etc.
iii) Maintain a list of School Contacts and communicate with them.
iv) Coordinate activities with School Contacts to assist in System events.
v) Serve as the liaison between ACOE and the School Contacts.
vi) Assist School Contacts whenever and however possible.
vii) Assist ACOE in establishing contacts with local businesses, and civic and political leaders.
viii) Assist ACOE in establishing contacts with appropriate officials in colleges and universities in your area.
ix) Attend System Board Meetings when possible (not to speak but to have a presence).

c) Area Contact (where applicable)
i) Recognition as the ACOE Area Contact in your area on the ACOE Website and in ACOE communications.
ii) Maintain a list of System Contacts and communicate with them.
iii) Communicate information from ACOE to System Contacts and from System Contacts to ACOE.
iv) Serve as the liaison between ACOE and System Contacts.
v) Assist System Contacts whenever and however possible.
vi) Assist ACOE in establishing contacts with local businesses, and civic and political leaders.
vii) Assist ACOE in establishing contacts with appropriate officials in colleges and universities in your area.
viii) Attend System Board Meetings when possible (not to speak but to have a presence).

d) Membership Representative–(this is an advisory position only)
i) Recognition as a Membership Representative on the ACOE Website or in ACOE communications.
ii) Serve as a representative of ACOE members as a whole.
iii) Respond to surveys or opinion questionnaires from ACOE regarding potential programs, initiatives, benefits, etc.

e) Board Member
i) Recognition as an ACOE Board Member on ACOE Website and in ACOE communications.
ii) Serve a 3-year term as a member of the ACOE Board of Directors.
iii) Attend meetings of the ACOE Board of Directors (we meet at least 3 times per year in person).
iv) Actively participate in promoting ACOE at Teacher Institutes, New Teacher Orientations, In-Services, conferences, etc.
v) Participate in determining the direction and programs of ACOE.
vi) Assist ACOE in establishing contacts with local businesses, and civic and political leaders.
vii) Assist ACOE in establishing contacts with appropriate officials in colleges and universities in your area.
viii) Attend System Board Meetings when possible (not to speak but to have a presence).

2) Communications
a) Contribute to or help produce items such as:
i) Articles for newsletters or website.
ii) Preparation of online learning presentations.
iii) Preparation of subject matter presentations.
b) Contribute to or help maintain social media applications and information such as:
i) Facebook
ii) Twitter
iii) Pinterest
c) Other communications

3) Donate your talents and abilities in other ways (graphic arts, writing, videography, website design, etc.)